


An international wedding photographer based in New York City serving Manhattan & European destinations.






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I remember the day clearly. My boss sat down with me and told me that my big goals were not enough – I needed to create milestones. I didn’t like that. I am a big-picture girl of sorts and here he was telling me that I needed to set up mini-stop points for myself and the program I was running. I didn’t like it because I felt like by setting up these mini-goals, I would lose focus of the overall goal. I was wrong. Instead, setting up milestones helped me shoot for the next small goal which in turn helped us reach our long term goals.

When I decided to go full time with photography, I took that principle (Thank you, Mikael!) and applied it to my business. I knew where I wanted to be in X-amount of years, but I did not entirely know who to get there…so I went back to the Milestone theory. I created these mini goals for my business that would help me get to the place I wanted to be. One of those milestones was getting featured online.

A couple weeks ago I was contacted by the lovely Jessica over at Destination Inspirations asking if she could feature Tianna and Jeremy’s wedding in West Palm Beach. I was elated! Of COURSE she could do that! And then recently I had the privilege of speaking at our monthly Connecticut Photographers meeting (Milestone #7. Check!) on the topic of being a “Go-giver.” After I was done speaking a nice man named Seshu came and asked if I would be willing to be a guest writer on his blog Tiffinbox on the same topic.

I am so thrilled and honored to be featured on other blogs, and I look forward to having that done more in the future!

For now….here is to reaching Milestones. 😉

VIEW Comments +

  1. Congrats! Well deserved and I loved your talk at PUG!!

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