So, you’ve read my posts about minutes turning into hours which turned into days which turned into weeks. You’ve read about the break that I needed. And you’ve read and seen pictures from an amazing vacation.
I felt the urge to let you all know that it’s not all been fun and games these last 4 weeks. Or maybe it has been? Because my job is pretty much that awesome! So I am coming to you late on a weeknight, long after I should be in bed, simply because I had to let you in on the goodness of the weddings I have shot over the last 4 weeks. Ladies and gents, this is what you have more to look forward to over the next couple of weeks…
First is Elizabeth and Thomas who had an “Old Hollywood” themed wedding in Copenhagen, Denmark. Can’t wait to share the gorgeousness that was this day in Denmark!
After that we have Nina and Michael’s STUNNING wedding at Laudholm Farm in Wells, Maine. The details from this wedding are OMG-worthy.
Next is Aundrea and John’s “French Ballet” themed wedding in Flint, Michigan. Wait until you see some of the cool ideas Aundrea had for this wedding!
And last, but definitely not least, is Maria and Kasper’s very traditional Danish wedding in KΓΈrsor, Denmark.
Ahhh! Are you as excited as me? I think we should take a vote which wedding should be posted first!! Vote for the one you want to see the most!
I vote for the King’s wedding! Who doesn’t want to see a royal wedding?
I vote for Elizabeth and Thomas
I vote for Elizabeth and Thomas
The king wedding…my personal favorite…awesome pictures of 2 awesome people…
I vote for Elisabeth and Thomas π
Elizabeth and Thomas without a doubt!
The Kings please! Who doesn’t want to see a “royal” wedding?
Alicia your photography is amazing! Thank you!
The French Ballet! Can’t wait π