To dad….a day late!



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I remember sitting together with my brother in a group of about 20 people, talking about a variety of meaningless topics. At one point someone got on the topic of our dad’s and what we learned from them. We all laughed as we shared stories of our fathers and the little quirks they had, or their chosen method of discipline. After a lot of laughs were had, the conversation quickly got serious when someone piped up and said “What is the one thing that really stands out to you about your dad, whether positive or negative?” We all sat there, probably sifting through a million memories and marks our dads made on out lives, trying to narrow it down to one lasting impression. One of my friends talked about how most of what he remembers from his dad was him coming home drunk all too often. Another talked about how his dad was always at work and rarely home. I felt bad as all eyes turned on me to hear my answer. The lasting impression I had was how hard he worked for us, and how much he sacrificed. My dad is seriously one of the hardest workers I know. My brother chimed in and said that more than just working hard our dad was a dad to those who did not have fathers. Up until that moment, I had never thought of that, but it was very true. We were always taking people into our home, often times kids or teens with no father figure and my dad always stepped in and became a good role model to them.

Yesterday afternoon I sat back for a few minutes to watch my dad. At 53 years old, he was playing under the sprinkler and throwing three kids down the slip and slide. 20 years ago he was doing the same thing with my brother, sister and I. And now, as unexpected as it may have been for he and my mom, he is getting ready to become dad all over again to 3 little that they are planning on adopting.

My dad really is a remarkable guy if you think about it. I don’t know many men who are willing to treat other children as though they were their own, but somehow he manages to do it. So dad, thanks for setting that example of what it means to love selflessly. You are awesome! Happy Father’s day one day late. Love you… 🙂

VIEW Comments +

  1. Katie says:

    I was talking with Bill yesterday. Of how our home was always open to anyone. We talked about wanting our home to be the same way, to have a room for the individual in need. I was thinking of how Dad would reach out to people who scared me. lol But, he loved them beyond what they did, how they looked or where they lived. I felt so encourage, and also challenged, while we were talking about what that looks like. To have a home that is open to anyone who needs one! 🙂

  2. This is totally awesome! I loved the story and your right your dad and mom are remarkable people!

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