The Bucket List



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I’ve kept a list like this for as long as I can remember. I started journaling when I was about 8 years old and around that same time I became obsessed with lists. I remember hearing in some movie that someone had a “bucket list” and after asking my mom what that was she told me it’s a list that people keep of things they want to do in life. In the last year or so, it has become somewhat of a trend in the photography industry to make a sort of bucket list, specifically a “101 in 1001” list. For all these years I’ve kept my list private but I’ve decided now to go public with it because it seems that as soon as I write things out for the public to see, I tend to be more committed to them. There are, in fact, 101 things on my updated list, though I know I won’t be able to accomplish all of these in 1001 days.

Heres my list, but after you are done reading it, I want you to comment with a few things on YOUR bucket list!! 🙂

1. Ride a zip line
2. Photograph a surprise military homecoming
3. Be featured in a magazine
4. Hike a 14’er
5. Bike East to West to raise money for a non-profit
6. Go clamming
7. Be a contestant on either Survivor, The Amazing Race, A wedding reality show, or A Birth Story
8. Go ice fishing
9. Be in a Flash Mob Done! And you can see the video (which I, unfortunately am in a LOT) here.
10. Visit New Zealand
11. Make six figures + in a single year
12. Go white water rafting
13. Learn how to rock climb
14. Fly first class. OMG…it was as amazing as they make it sound!!
15. Learn some sick karate moves
16. Bungee jump in Africa
17. Run a 5k
18. Do a flip off a jump while snowboarding (learn to snowboard first?)
19. Surf in Hawaii
20. Speak at a WPPI
21. Get featured on Style Me Pretty. Done!
22. Road trip around the country for at least 30 days stopping in Fort Myers, Dallas, Colorado, California, Minnesota, Seattle, Chicago, Niagara falls and any other place that I know people
23. Throw a party. And then some more. And then make sure it becomes routine.
24. Take salsa dancing lessons
25. Go to dinner with someone famous
26. Visit Australia
27. Be on tv
28. Go on a cruise
29. Get featured in Grace Ormonde
30. Have a magical wedding
31. Take ballroom dancing lessons
32. Photograph a wedding in India
33. Go skinny dipping in some remote jungle
34. Host weekly game nights
35. Get my motorcycle drivers permit
36. Read 1 book a month for 12 months in a row
37. Take a CPR class
38. Visit Malaysia. It was amazing!
39. Get my gun permit. And a gun.
40. Weigh 1_0lbs
41. Own a pair of authentic Badgley’s, Jimmy Choo’s or Louboutin’s.
42. Run a mile a day for 30 consecutive days
43. Be in a community theater musical
44. Visit my best friend in Turkey
45. Take a flying lesson
46. Have a years-worth of income in savings
47. Hire 4 photographers to work as associates under me
48. Sing a “girl power” song at a Karaoke bar, and dance on a table during it
49. Spend an hour on Kverkfjöll
50. Take Grandpa to Italy
51. Accumulate a decent bar stock and learn how to make some killer cocktails
52. Take pole dancing lessons. (What?!?! I hear it’s a great workout!)
53. Spend a month in Italy taking intensive Italian language classes
54. Hot air balloon ride over CT/MA during peak foliage
55. Get my gun/shooting permit. And a gun.
56. Find a way to get Bruce to meet Derek Jeter
57. Give birth to twins (unfortunately I have zero control over this)
58. Plant a garden that yields enough veggies to live off of
59. Watch all the “Godfather” movies in one day
60. Write a book…and get it published
61. Take a self portrait of myself once a month for an entire year
62. Speak at a women’s conference
63. Blog 5 times a week for at least 5 weeks in a row
64. Somehow convince my grandmother to come back to CT, even if just for a visit.
65. Own a nice car…for once.
66. Invent something to help the photography industry
67. Visit the Fiji Islands
68. Learn to grill meat properly
69. Shoot a wedding in Santorini, Greece
70. Do a creative shoot of the kids once a month for an entire year
71. No sugar for 30 days
72. Draw a blueprint for a dream home
73. Build that dream home
74. Mentor a new photographer from the start until he/she becomes “successful”
75. Sew a dress that I would actually wear
76. Attend a fashion show during New York fashion week
77. Take ballroom dancing lessons
78. Buy something unexpected and amazing for Katie and Bill
79. Visit Alaska
80. Photograph a celebrity wedding (Taylor Swift?)
81. Go deer hunting, successfully.
82. Go cliff jumping in some exotic location overseas. MALTA!!!
83. Make flushmount albums of all my travels
84. Invent a product for photographers
85. Build a tree fort for my siblings
86. Host monthly [fancy] dinner parties
87. Learn to play guitar well
88. Go winter camping
89. Own a natural light studio
90. Get both of my parents to come on a missions trip with me
91. Take salsa dancing lessons
92. Take Bionca to a spa for an entire day
93. Find a church home in America…and get involved with it
94. Learn how to knit
95. Take a drawing/painting class
96. Keep a gratitude journal and write in it once a day for an entire year
97. Plan a swanky New Years Eve Party
98. Go waterskiing
99. Learn to juggle
100. Give blood (need to plan this well since I can’t do so for 18 months after being in certain countries)
101. Write one note of encouragement on a postcard and mail it to someone, every week for a year

Now that I have them written down, you can expect blog posts with updates on my Bucket List! I want to hear, what are some of the things on YOUR bucket list?

VIEW Comments +

  1. Kim says:

    As your witness, cross off #12. Come to St. Louis this summer. I’ll find a 5K for us to run and I’ll teach you to waterski. Miss you!

  2. Alex Decker says:

    Okay, so we should cross off nr. 17 and nr. 59 next time you are in DK. Possibly also nr. 33, but I’ll have to talk to Adam about that one first. Seems to me a forest in DK could be considered a remote jungle 😉 I’ll do nr. 48 with you too, but have to be a bit drunk first 😉

    Finally, take me with you on nr. 5. I would loooove to do that!

    A few of my own:

    Go trekking in Nepal
    Ride elephants in India
    Visit America (and do nr. 5 with you!)

    I know – modest. I would also like to become wildly famous, date Heidi Klum (to me she will never get older) and kick Tom Cruise’s ass.

    So there.

  3. Bill says:

    I’d like to do a 5k by the end of this summer.

    I’d like your Gram to come up this way too!

    I’d like to become multi-lingual and translate.

    I’d like to be a Bible school teacher/professor.

    I’d like to get my Master’s in counseling and then a doctorate.

    I’d like to live for good in Costa Rica.

  4. Sammy Tabak says:

    May be able to help out with #2… Sister’s boyfriend is in the Navy, he returns September 22nd and we are already plotting the surprise for her together!

  5. Helena says:

    You already did no 62 🙂 in Skjern remember?

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