With the simplest of steps and the slightest of breaths she made her way towards him. Basking in the glow that surround her and the light that poured in through the double doors at the back of the church. She was all smiles for this day was long awaited, and had finally come.
With the sweetest of tears and the slightest of breaths he watched her make her way down the aisle. The tears began flowing steadily as his lips quivered. With poise and conviction in his voice he made promises to her that she knew he would keep. He kissed her softly after hearing the words he had waited over 10 years to hear, that she was now his wife and this long awaited day had finally come.
Tara and Ryan got married on a spectacularly beautiful day that was filled with all weather conditions except snow. We had bright sunshine, foggy mist, a little bit of rain, a few large gusts of wind, but it could not have been more perfect. Their reception was at the incredibly unique and every bit at stunning Whaling Museum in New Bedford, MA where guests enjoyed a tour through the museum during cocktail hour and got to ogle over old ships and ancient whale bones. Surrounded by their incredibly sweet, kind, caring and fun family and friends, they danced the night away with nothing but huge smiles and love that could be felt all over the museum.
Tara and Ryan, from the first time I met you guys I have ADORED you!! To bits and pieces! I am so thankful that Paula introduced us and I really can’t wait to see what exciting things the life ahead of you holds.
Venue: New Bedford Whaling Museum
Florist: Always in Bloom
Beauty: Orlanda Day Spa
Dress: Amsale
Shoes: Michael Kors
Tux: Astor and Black
Catering: Russell Morin Fine Catering
DJ: Beat Train Productions
I don’t often post too many picture of the guys getting ready but these are some of my all-time favorites, especially the portrait of Ryan.
Ryan had a suit custom made for him and, if you ask me, he was looking rather dapper in it!
Tara’s dress was so soft and pretty, a stunning number from Amsale. The front of it was beautiful but I, personally, thought the back was exquisite with it’s layers and layers of fine tulle.
Tara, my dear, you are all thing beautiful and lovely. Such a stunner!
Ringer bearer of the year goes t Miles. He charmed every person in attendance with his big smile, impromptu dance moves, and overall showmansip. For a toddler who, at that age, could end up going either way he definitely did his job and did it well.
We started off doing Tara and Ryan’s wedding pictures at Fort Phoenix in New Bedford, MA where the view was stunning and the wind was relentless. I, for one, had a blast with the wind being so strong because Tara’s Cathedral length veil had a mind of it’s own and was flying allllll over the place, which made my job a lot more fun.
When we left the church in Barrington, RI, the skies were wide open with the sun shining down brightly but by the time we got to Fort Phoenix for their portraits, a cool breeze had settled in along with a considerable amount of fog, providing the perfect ambiance for this seaside wedding.
After spending some time at Fort Phoenix, we made out way back to the Whaling Museum which is nestled into the historical part of New Bedford, which is covered with cobblestone streets and adorable brick buildings.
Tara and Ryan’s bridal party were all so kind and sweet! I kinda wanted to put them all in my pocket and take them home with me. Except that would make me look like a bit of a loony.
Tara’s sister and Ryan’s identical twin brother gave speeches that were both entertaining and emotional. There were quite a few times that a dry eye would have been hard to find int hat room, including my own.
One of the things I loved most about shooting Tara and Ryan’s wedding at the Whaling Museum in new Bedford was that there were various levels from which I could shoot which made the dynamic of shooting their wedding reception just that much more fun!
At the end of the evening we made our way into the Ship room long after all the guests had cleared out and when there was only a janitor mopping th floors. With most of the lights out, tara and Ryan spent a few minutes together just soaking in the beauty of their wedding at the Whaling Museum. It’s times like this that make my job so much fun – seeing the happiness, the love, and hope and the joy on their faces as they charge full speed ahead into a lives that is now theirs, together.
Oh my gosh. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. WOW!!!! Amazing Alicia!!
Wow… This is an amazingly beautiful wedding! Love the venue and colors! And the amazing photography
oh Museums, would love to feature this wedding on Un-Jerseybride, we are on two bright lights especially the venue! thanks
Beautiful pictures! What a lovely day!