Rebrand sneak peek #4



An international wedding photographer based in New York City serving Manhattan & European destinations.






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Today is Tuesday, I know. I promised a sneak peek every Monday but, alas, today is Tuesday. Ironic because this very thing is what today’s sneak peek is all about – organization and blog scheduling.

When deciding to rebrand I knew that one thing I had to get in order before I launched the new brand was my systems and workflow. I love making lists, but I never follow them. I tend to edit a session here, write a blog post there, and kinda do what I want and when I want. There is no method to the madness. This has, for a long time, been a frustration of mine. Part of the reason I never stuck to a system is because I really like the freedom of doing what I feel like doing. I don’t always what I should be doing, but the job always gets done and on time. However, I know that if I want to take my business to the next level, I absolutely have got to get a system that works well for me. Starting with the blog. My blog posts, as you may or may not have noticed, are random. I could update 8 times in one week and then not update again for another 2 weeks. I am pretty sure neither you or I like this because there is no consistency. Every now and then I browse other photographers blogs to see the most recent weddings and personal posts. I have 4 or 5 blogs that I check regularly, one of which is Katelyn James’ blog. A while back she did a feature about having a blog schedule and I liked the idea of it, so I began to make a blog schedule. The problem was that when each day came around I would find that there was something else more pressing than getting a blog post up. I had to find a system that worked for me. I recently decided that starting June 1, when I launch the new brand, I will set aside one day a week where all I do is BLOG, and blog for the week ahead. WordPress has this awesome feature where I can schedule posts ahead of time so I don’t have to worry about signing into wordpress every day to update the blog. I am *really* hoping this works.

Another organizational thing I have been doing this year is my client chart where I list each client in the upcoming 4 months as well as the tasks I have to do in order to give each client the best experience possible and to keep my workflow moving smoothly. Once again, this idea was from Katelyn. And I love it. It has been working perfectly for me so far this year!

So here is your sneak peek of what those things look like as well as a hint about some of the new features I will be doing on the blog! There won’t be a sneak peek next Monday since our launch will be on Wednesday. I hope you are as excited as I am!!!

VIEW Comments +

  1. heidi says:

    Love it! Can you organize me please!!

  2. Kimberly says:

    I see our names!!!

  3. I love this. I have been trying to find something. I do use iCal, but I’m still learning it… Hmm, I like that calendar you created!!! Maybe I should do that as well! Katelyn is amazing with her organization, isn’t she???? 🙂

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