Rebrand sneak peek #3



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It has happened a few times already – I am asked to speak somewhere and they need a picture for promo materials. And I would do the same thing every time – scrunch my nose and eyebrows as I sift through a bunch of photos of myself, trying to find one that is decent. For someone who has a camera attached to her hip most of the time, you’d think I would have at least one good headshot, right? Nope. When I lived in Denmark I did a lot of motivational speaking both around the country and sometimes in other parts of Europe. Always the same problem – no headshot. The one I ended up sending would always be pixelated, or copied from my facebook. Totally lame.

When it came time to rebrand I was actually sort of excited about *finally* getting real head shots done and having some decent photos of myself. There was absolutely no question in my mind who they should be taken by – Justin and Mary Marantz, friends of mine and incredibly talented photographers. We threw some dates back and forth and set a time to do them. Then the hunt for the right clothing began. I knew what props I would use because I had them laying around my apartment already. But finding the right outfits was an adventure in and of itself. Adam and I went to the mall numerous times in search of clothing that was preppy, classy and, oh yeah….mustard and/or grey. It was painful, and an utter failure. I literally scoured every store in the mall for a mustard colored cargidan. I called every J.Crew in the state. I was desperate. And…nothing. So the day before our shoot – save the “last-minute” sermons, thank you very much – I decided to take matters into my own hands. I bought 3 cardigans from Forever 21 and a couple bottles of Rit dye. Yup, you read that right – I was going to have a mustard yellow cardigan if it was the last thing I did. The first one came out tangerine – no idea how that happened. The second one came out the most disgusting puke-ish green/yellow color I have ever seen. I had one more try and I was determined to get it right. Two hours before our shoot was about to go down, I finally had a somewhat mustard colored cardigan. Instead of fussing about my makeup, I dried my cardigan by hand with my blow dryer. But the results were almost exactly what I was looking for, except that I stretched it out a bit from wringing out the dye. My hair, on the other hand, was a total hot mess.

I was a bit nervous after we were done, wondering how the pictures would look…between the hand dyed cardigan, the hot mess hair and the fact that it had started raining as we ended our session. But, I should have known that J&M would not disappoint. In fact, they went above and beyond. I was delighted with the preview that they posted on their blog a couple weeks ago because the photos are exactly what I had in mind and completely match our new brand.

So here is sneak peek #3. 🙂 We are getting so close to the big reveal!!

So, you have to leave a comment and let us know which of these photos/sets is your favorite!! And, with that, I think you should vote on which image should be my new official headshot. The 5 below are my favorites, but I want to know which one you like the most, and why!!

So….converse with me….what do YOU think?

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  1. elizabeth says:

    Alicia, you are stunning in absolutely all of them! but I think I would go with 2, as you have a really beautiful smile and I love that vintage globe under your arm…

    You are totally inspiring me to do some rebrandng of my own – while it must have been long, the process seems to have been such a fun experience! I absolutely can’t wait to see the results!!

  2. Crystal Peck says:

    Definitely number 2! Your smile is stunning and the vintage globe and suitcase add a nice touch. I think over all, this picture captures what I have learned about you since we met.

  3. heidi says:

    Alicia, all of them are gorgeous! I’m torn between 2 and 3. #2 defintiely shows your fun personality and gorgeous smile; but #3 is so sexy and sophisticated….

  4. Maria says:

    Lovely images!!! Love the vintage feel of the setting and colors. 🙂

    My favorites are 2 and 3. Both images are stunning and I would use 2 for fun events where you need headshots and 3 for more formal events. But truly, you cannot go wrong with any of them. GREAT JOB.

  5. Amanda T says:

    Hey gorgeous!! My favorite is also the nr.2. It makes me feel like traveling!! It looks like you are SOOO ready to take that plane, no matter where in the world the wedding is taking place!!! Can I come with you?? Xx Amanda.

  6. Ingelise says:

    I must say mine is # 1 and 3. 1 – because it shows you full figure and the details of your clothing (+ I love the suitcases) and 3 because you really can see your eyes and the depth in them – you are looking at the person looking at you. It gives a nice feel of connection to the ones you want to reach+ it shows a soft, genuine feminine side of you. Yeah I would def. go with 3 for business – 2 shows the fun side of you, but 3 shows a bit more serious business person. Ah you know what I mean

  7. Jessica says:

    Love them all.. My vote is #3!!

  8. Vanessa says:

    I can’t choose! I really like number 1 and 5. I love the color scheme with your outfit, the luggage, and the train behind you. Number 5 is also one of my favorites, the yellow colors from the train just pop because of the color of your shit! All are amazing!

  9. Vanessa says:

    OMG YOUR SHIRT************************************** TOTALY TYPO SORRY, I tried deleting that message but i can’t so embarassing! sorry

  10. Jola says:

    I like number 2. Although all the shots are great – and you both look fabulous – number 2 ties in the essence of your craft.

  11. Dani says:

    #3 is perfect!!!!!

  12. Alexandra says:

    Alicia, I love you!! Your beauty is radiant on the inside and out! All the pictures are breathetaking! Miss you tons!!!

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