Back again, updating the blog this time from Doylestown, PA where I am for two days to watch my baby sister graduate. Where does the time go? I am soooo super proud of her and her husband who graduate from college tomorrow
Here is part 2 of Rebekka and Mikkel’s Disney fair tale themed wedding that took place at Holckenhavn Slot in Nyborg, Denmark. Up after this is the ceremony which you definitely are not going to want to miss! The ceremony is where a lot of the Disney goodness comes in For now, enjoy the getting ready segment of this wedding.
Now how’s this for a breakfast?
Love me some pretty shoes, especially when they are snakeskin!
Rebekka’s dress was custom designed by herself with inspiration from the high-end Danish wedding gown designer, Jesper Høvring. It was PERFECT for her!
The main suite at Holckenhavn Slot was absolutely beautiful, and the bed was the largest bed I have ever seen! Rebekka and all her bridesmaids slept in it the night before the wedding.
I love seeing that nervous tension on a brides face as she is putting on her dress. So much emotion!
It’s no question where Rebekka got her flawless looks from – her mother is so pretty!
Rebekka, you are flawless!
I am not sure there has ever been a more beautiful bride!
After Rebekka was done getting ready in the main suite as Holckenhavn Slot, I headed over to one of the guest rooms where Mikkel was getting ready.
Mikkel wrote a song that he sang to Rebekka t the reception. It was super sweet!!
I have never had a groom have his hair done professionally, but Mikkel was not about to be outdone.
Mikkel, you are looking dapper as ever!
amazing cant wait to see the rest!