Our trip to the Faroe Islands



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It was like we stepped back in time. A cross between The Hobbit and Little House on the Prairie. This was a land unlike any other we had ever seen, and one that captured a small piece of our hearts. In one days time we drove through the densest fog we’ve ever seen, watched sheep grazing along the edges of towering cliffs, explored tiny villages set between valleys by the sea, rocky shores, lush green grass, and in the difference of a 1 hour drive we went from 50 degree temps to 75 degree temps. This is the Faroe Islands. A land that it virtually untouched, undiscovered…and unbelievable. It’s a place where life is slower, deeper, and more intentional. Where kids roam through the neighborhood freely and their parents always know that they can be found skipping rocks in the river or catching fish down at the sea. It’s a place where family is priority, where the men work had to provide and the women work hard to nurture.


We started our time in the Faroes with a boat ride to the island of Mykines. On Mykines we did some hiking and had fun watching the quirky birds called Puffins, which are a signature attractions of Mykines

On the island of Mykines we were introduced to another signature attraction of the Faroes: the grass roof. When building a house many Faroese put sod on their roof to retain heat throughout the winter months.


This guy. He made me laugh so much on this trip. He didn’t want his hair messed up, so he kept his hoodie on the whole time we hiked in Mykines

I spy with my little eye my favorite handsome guy….

Many houses on the islands had a little mock house in their yard that looked like the large house. We learned that they use these houses to dry their meat in.

How much is that doggy in the window…?  ;D

Contrary to what you are thinking, Adam wasn’t breathing in the fresh air. He was getting tired of me taking a million pictures of him.

Crazy, crazy fog that we drove through….

Around every bend and turn in the Faroes was another stunning landscape

While driving through the islands, we drove along many cliffsides. My hubs isn’t much a fan of heights, so he preferred to   stay in the car while I got out and took pictures cliffside.

This would be my husband mocking how I pose for pictures.

This was the view from our room in Torshavn

Boat trip to the bird cliffs in Vestmanna

Salmon farms off the harbor. 50% of all Faroese economy is through the selling of Salmon

VIEW Comments +

  1. mom says:

    I think Adam has your pose down perfectly

  2. Beautiful Photos of my country

  3. Jan Áki Andreasen says:

    Thanks for the beautiful pictures of my birth place – the Faroe Islands 🙂

  4. Anja says:

    Lovely, amazing. Made me a little bit homesick????

  5. Spring says:

    So beautiful!!! Reminds me SO MUCH of Scotland 🙂 this is now on my short list for my next vacation 🙂

  6. Tony olsen says:

    Amazing :)best place on earth too live 🙂

  7. Nicolai Klejs Mortensen says:

    I hope I will one day be able to have so much joy with another person as it seems the two of you are :)..

    Faroe Islands, really a place that brings much more than you think, beautifull beautifull place.

  8. Miranda Metheny says:

    Great post and beautiful pictures! I’m so glad you enjoyed your visit to the Faroes.

    Just one thing: you’re a little bit confused about the little house replicas. Many houses in the Faroes have a shed next to them called the “hjallur” which can be identified by the way that its sides are slightly open (with cracks just large enough to peek through) to let the wind and air in. They vary in size, but are always big enough to step into. This is where they dry their meat.

    The little tiny replica houses that you have seen are just made for fun, as far as I and my Faroese friend know. Although I did see a similar one in Iceland that was made for the fairies to live in, so who knows if the traditions are related.

  9. Fridgerd Skaale says:

    Fabulous pictures of those wonderful islands

  10. Nice picures. Hope you guys had a good time kød come again.

  11. Randall Kerr says:

    Awesome photos from such a beautiful part of the world. We fell in love with the Faroes when we visited 2 years ago.

  12. Hello,
    I have a friend (here in Belgium) who knows Manai Svanbjorg and I looked on her Facebook and I saw your fantastic album.
    We would like to go to the Faroes Islands next year and I’m asking if you can give us some opportunities about the places to see, about the hôtels or bread and brekfast, about the rent of a car, ….. and so on.
    I would greatly appreciate if you you could answer me and give me the best informations for such an expedition. PS : we already visited Iceland (wonderful) and Ireland.

    Thank you for a response.

    Best regards.

    Philippe Van Meerbeeck from Limal (Belgium)

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