On priorities….and a giveaway winner!



An international wedding photographer based in New York City serving Manhattan & European destinations.






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We sat in round table style, some of us on couches, some on chairs, and some crouched down on the floor. We shared our hearts and we shared some of our deepest, most precious vulnerabilities. There were tears shed. There were laughs that were had. But the bottom line was that we all “got it.” We got what the other person was going through because chances were that we were going through the same thing, or had gone through it at some point in our lives and careers. We talked about October. About this month that we all have a love/hate relationship with. The month where the weddings we shoot are stunningly beautiful, but how sometimes the beauty of it all gets lost in the busyness of the season. Or in our most important relationships that are not being nurtured like they should be. Or in the time that we just are not taking for ourselves. We talked about priorities and scheduling. And I think it is safe to say that it was a good wake up call for all of us to, at all costs, protect our sanity and the relationships that are most important to us. After all, if those foundational areas of our lives are amiss, it will most definitely affect every aspect of our lives – including our businesses.

As I sat back and listened in, I silently thanked God for learning the lessons I did while in Denmark about prioritizing relationships above all else. Danes are pretty much the masters at doing that. With their 6 weeks vacation every year and an insane amount of Danish holidays, they definitely take their down time. There is hardly a night that goes by where they are not sitting at the dinner table together as a family. I thanked God for these lessons that I learned because although I am a bit stressed and backed up on work, my relationships are in tact.

But then it hit me.

Adam and I were scheduled to go to Colorado for 9 days and I had every intention of working on my backed up to-do list while there. After all, I had my vacation when I went to Denmark and Malta in September. I was good to go – I did not need another break. But I realized that although I had my break, he has not had his. And he desperately needed one. I decided that while here in Colorado I would put my work aside and limit it to times where he had obligations to take care of, or while he was sleeping. Because he deserves to have all of me on this trip.

So, friends, for the next 7 days I will be somewhat MIA. Emails may or may not get responded to. This blog may or may not be updated. But the bottom line is that the health of my relationship with him is priority to the weddings that need to be edited and blogged, or the emails that need to be responded to. So I will be by his side doing the things he loves to do. We will be hiking and mountain biking, skiing and eating (nonstop!). Fortunately I am lucky enough to have clients who get this.

Here’s to living a prioritized life!

***The winner of our Swanky Stitch giveaway is Mrs. Heidi Hanson from Always and Forever Weddings! Super congrats Heidi! Make sure you contact Sara and let her know you won. And then rest of you, make sure you get in on the 15% off discount – only available to the first 10 people who order and mention this blog!!”***

VIEW Comments +

  1. heidi says:

    woo hoo! thanks so much!!! i never win anything! enjoy colorado!

  2. Henriette says:

    ENJOY your time off! :o)

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