November’s BIG list



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This past month FLEW by! Goodness gracious, it’s like one day it was September and I was picking apples, and the next I am romping through a pumpkin patch and wearing a coat. October has long been my favorite month in Connecticut and, despite the fact that I didn’t plan well and was gone 3 weeks of October, the leaves held out for me and I thoroughly enjoyed the last week of the month, full of vibrant colors and fiery trees. My October BIG list, however, took a bit of a hit. Going into last month, I knew that my goals were a bit audacious, considering the amount of traveling I was doing. Needless to say, I didn’t get to cross everything off that I wanted to, but thats ok, cause they can just roll over to this month! November is one that I am excited about. I wrap up my wedding season with 3 weddings, all of clients whom I adore. I will be going to Colorado by myself, for the first time, and am going to work my tail off to market and network for my glamour brand of photography. It’s the month that I get to decorate for Christmas, and can have Christmas music on all day without Adam asking me to turn it off (for some strange reason he doesn’t like it on in August. The nerve!). And it’s the month where I challenge myself to find one thing every day that I’m thankful for. Indeed, this month will be good. And here’s the list that will make it so…..

– All 2013 client wedding albums
– Design and publish AAC prep site
– Make 2 AAC dresses

– AAC Christmas Promo
– AAC Acts of kindness
– AAC welcome kit
– Simply Love boxes made (Still undecided about what to put in them)
– PASS print promo (need to finish uploading past weddings first)
– +site
– Megan + Jason
– Nicole + Austin
– Lindsey + Brendan
– Daniela + Nate

– Business credit card ordered
– Order new USB drives
– Order 2014 hard drives
– Order bank checks

– Order lights for CO studio
– Vistaprint
– Send promo video clips to Jakob (AHHH!!! I’ve been meaning to do this for A YEAR!)

– Go to the gym 7 times (Fail. But I made it 4 times)
– Run 7 times (Fail. Ran twice. Ugh)
– Hike 3 times
– Pick + carve pumpkins (Adam nixed this idea, but we did go romp around a pumpkin patch)
– Make pumpkin french toast
– Take an Autumn walk with Adam

– Doctor appointment schedule (bleh.)
– Teeth cleaned
– OUR wedding album designed and printed!!!
– Personal budget made
– November Colorado tickets purchased
– Costa Rica details finalized
– December flight tickets purchased

And now for November, which hopefully will be more successful

– AAC (Alicia Ann Couture) Christmas Promo
– AAC Acts of kindness
– Simply Love boxes decided on
– PASS print promo
– Order lights for CO studio
– Order display products for CO studio
– Order clothing rack for CO studio
– Order backdrop stand for CO studio
– Set CO studio up and start using it!! (my first shoot there will be this month!)
– Purchase 3 dressforms
– Shoot and edit AAC promo video
– Make venue albums for 2013
– Client Christmas gifts wrapped and sent
– 17 glamour shoots shot, edited, orders sent
– 3 wedding shot, edited, blogged, and PASS’d
– Vistaprint
– Send promo video clips to Jakob (This. Task. My arch enemy)

– Top secret project that Adam can’t know about…since I know he’s reading this 😉
– Get our FIRST Christmas cards made! YAY!!
– Put up Christmas decor
– Sew stockings
– Doula Certification Registration (yup, you read that right!)
– Buy a fingerprint safe on Black Friday
– Finish my Pistol Permit paperwork
– Sew sweater pillows for CO house
– Go to the gym 8 times (making this realistic!)
– Doctor appointment schedule (bleh.)
– Teeth cleaned
– Personal budget made
– Costa Rica details finalized
– Clean. My. Filthy. Apartment. :/ :O

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