My grown up Christmas list



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My dad complains about it every year. And, come to think of it, he has for as long as I can remember. He wants it all to be a surprise. He hates the dreaded “Christmas wish list.” But personally, I love it. And here is why – my mom likes to shop. Like, a lot. But she is not known for being the most practical shopper. My mother, God bless her, will buy things that you absolutely will never use. But there is always some sort of sentimental tie to it, so you feel as guilty as an ax murderer for not wanting them. Kinda like the time she bought me a Red Sox mug because she knows how much I hate the Red Sox. She thought it was funny, I thought it was cruel. Or like how she buys me the same oddly-colored fleece vest. Every. Flippin. Year. Last years odd colored fleece was this hideous greenish color which, after I opened, she exclaimed “See! It is the same color you loved when you were 12.” She seems to forget that it was 14 years ago that I loved that color. And it was short lived. I digress. Back to “the list.” When I was about 16 years old I had this *brilliant* idea to start handing in lists…with lots of options, you know so that there is still some surprise…so that they can guarantee that their hard earned money will be put to good use. My mom loved the idea. My dad hated it. And every year, without fail, my mom would have a bedspread on her list. From Domestications, naturally. And every year I would secretly make fun of how “old’ she was…because no young, hip, cool person would put a bedspread on their list. As if!

As I got around to thinking about my list this year, I had a hard time. First of all, as cliche as it sounds, I pretty much have everything I want. I have friends and family around me that I love and in general, I am just a happy camper in life. That being said, I recently moved into a new apartment and have, as a result, gone into a little frenzy reminiscent of Martha Stewart, pre-prison. I feel like I am nesting. Or something like that, since I don’t really know what “nesting” actualy consists of. Nevertheless, I am nesting. And consequently, my bank account has taken a minor (Adam, I repeat, minor) hit. But, of course everything is justifiable because I am only purchasing things I will use for the rest of my life. You know, since I am obviously going to have the same exact style and tastes in decor until I am 95. And yes, I plan on living that long. We won’t talk about how I just painted my bedroom 2 weeks ago and already want to change it into a different color.

All! that! to! say! I decided my wish list this year will comprise mostly of domestic things. When I made this list, I thought to myself “wow, I am getting old.” Because….wait for it….

I put a bedspread on the list. *GASP*

But, that can’t possibly mean I am getting old, right? Humor me here, people. I am just maturing slightly. So without further ado: my grown up Christmas list…

1. This stunning little number that I am 99.9% sure I could rock on New Years Eve. With matching sequined platform stiletto heels.
2. The bedspread. And the one that has captured my heart and soul. It is, of course, from none other than Anthropologie. King size, please.
3. A chandelier that would look simply divine hanging over my super girly, all-white bedroom furniture.
4. This oh-so-lovely cable knit throw from Pottery Barn. Though, I am tossed between Porcelain Blue and Ivory.
5. If I am going to entertain often and make lots of fun, fancy foods then I definitely need some basic glass mixing bowls. This set of 10 from Williams Sonoma will work just fine.
6. …and on the note of entertaining I, of course, need a pretty platter to serve the hors d’oeuvres on. And, believe you me, I have every intention of serving hors d’oeuvres not *just* appetizers. Even though I had to look up how to spell “hors d’oeuvres” correctly.
7. You may or may not have gathered this from reading my blog, but I kinda like to travel. Just a bit. And for as long as I can remember, I said that when I got a place of my own I wanted to have a huge wall map like this one to mark where I have been and to dream of where I wanted to go. But at a mere $895, I am quite sure neither Santa (or my mom) will be gifting me with this item on Christmas morning.
8. My grey and white schemed living room still needs a little pop of color, and while I have not yet made a firm decision on the accent color, I know that I adore these pillows from Pier 1. Color suggestions are welcome.

And, Santa (or mom), I promise I was a good girl this year. Really, I was. Ask my clients.

VIEW Comments +

  1. Amanda says:

    So…lets see pictures of your apartment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Then we can talk accent pillow colors!

  2. Mary Marantz says:

    Dude! If you’re going to have a bedspread on the list, at least it’s an Anthro one! We were in there the other day and I absolutely fell in LOVE with that one! Great choice!


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