I walked into the mall that day with no intent except to get out of the house for a bit. I had begun getting a bit stressed with my job search that summer between my freshman and sophomore year of college but it never crossed my mind that I would find a desirable one in the mall. As I walked by him at a small kiosk, he approached me about my cell phone. He asked if I liked my phone and service, obviously trying sell me on his, but I think he realized quickly that I wasn’t going to get sucked into his sale game. So instead he said “What abut a job?”. My ears perked up and I told him that I was actually looking for one. He asked if I would be willing to do an interview on the spot. Despite the fact that he was wearing a button down pressed shirt, tie and dress slacks and I was wearing a white tank top, jeans and flip flops, I agreed to an interview. After 30 minutes of chatting about life goals and personal values over Cherry Garcia ice cream, he hired me on the spot. Honestly, it was nothing more than a desperate prayer answered that summer. And that job ended up being such an incredible blessing to me. As I worked for him that summer we began hanging out outside of work and getting to know each other much better. We shared our life goals, our dreams, our hopes and our fears…always over food. That was some 6-7 years ago and Kevin has since become one of my closest friends. Shortly after we met he began talking to me about visiting his home country of Malaysia with him. I promised him I someday would but in the 6 years we have known each other, it just hasn’t worked out. When I got the email about shooting a wedding in Singapore the very first thing that came to my mind was that I might finally be able to visit Kevin (and now his wife, Kit!) in Malaysia. A 5 hour bus ride from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur reunited us (he moved back 4 years ago) and we had a wonderful time together. It was so fantastically wonderful to see Kevin and meet his wife Kit, who was the perfect hostess for us. Kevin and Kit showed us all around KL as well as the cute village of Malaka. It was a dream come true for me and reminded me, once again, how important it is to keep nurturing my relationships even when it may not be convenient (time differences, location differences, etc).
Kevin and Kit, you guys were SO wonderful to us and we can’t thank you enough for your hospitality and generosity to us while visiting you in Malaysia! Love you both!!
Inside the mountaintop Hindu cave temple.
Carrying sacrifices up the steps to the temple.
Group shot!
This is the beautiful government sector of KL where all the politicians work and reside.
This is how shredded coconut is made!! These guys were chopping the coconut by hand and then feeding is through a shredding device. I was slightly mesmerized by it.
On the 86th and 41st floor of the Petronas Towers. Very cool 🙂
Outside the Baba House, where we stayed in Malaka.
Fresh sugar cane juice. Adam’s favorite. 😉
No idea what we are doing here. obligatory jumping shot? I am well aware that we look like idiots.
The view of Kuala Lumpur from the 86th floor of the Petronas towers.
Petronas towers by night. So pretty!
I forget what building this was but the lights changed colors every 3 seconds and I thought it was cool.
Malaka market by night.
Incredible!! Looks like an amazing time! And I LOVE that shot of you in the hallway holding the purse….gorgeous!
Hey Alicia! It was really nice to have both you and Adam over. Really great to catch up with you again after some years. Kit and i had great times having you guys over. Keep in touch.
Love your pictures!
Nice job Baby,glad you made it! When are you going to take me? Kove Ya – Dad