Introducing: THE BIG LIST!



An international wedding photographer based in New York City serving Manhattan & European destinations.






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Last month I instagram’d a picture of part of my September BIG LIST and had a ton of people ask about it, so I decided I should start doing monthly BIG LIST blog posts. I don’t remember who I first got this idea from, it was either Mary Marantz or Katelyn James. I always had a running to do list, but there was something both freeing and rewarding about writing out a BIG LIT at the beginning of each month, and slowly crossing things off. As a business owner my to do lit s never ending. Just when I think I’ve caught up, I have a whole other batch of tasks waiting for me. I was finding myself getting really overwhelmed and feeling like I was never actually getting anything accomplished, until I started the BIG LIST. Now, on the last day of each month, I sit down and I write out everything I want to accomplish the next month. It helps me gear up for the month ahead and feel like I’m actually accomplishing the tasks that I both WANT and NEED to get done.

So, from now on, at the beginning of each month, I will be blogging my pasts months BIG LIST as well as the current months BIG LIST, both to hold me accountable, and to be vulnerable with you guys on the stuff that does and doesn’t get done. I guess this should go without saying, but the items on these lists are things that are easy to put aside or push off. So it doesn’t include basic things like showering. Although my husband might argue that I should put “shower ad get dressed” on my list every day because it may or may not get pushed aside sometimes. 🙂

September’s BIG LIST

– Pursuit 31 Conference note cards written out
– 24 glamour shoots shot, edited, and PASS’d (deep breaths!)
– USB’s for summer weddings sent out
– Colorado Studio space secured
– Plus sites for
 – Becky + Tets
 – Agnes + Greg
 – Meg + Mike
 – Abigail + David
 – Leigh + Rudi
 – Katie + Matt
 – Erika + Chris
 – Sandra + Pete

 – Becca + Jarred
– Send promo video clips to Jakob
– Makeup artist in Colorado secured
– Glamour PDF
– Lightroom cleaned up
– Comcast
– Order AAC linen bags

– Get my last name changed (4 moths later…!)
– DMV registration
– Wash laundry twice (don’t judge)
– Apple picking
– Bake an apple pie (and I baked a pumpkin roll, lemon bars, cookies, and an apple crumble!)

– Gym eight times (totally fell off the boat with this but I went f5our times)
– Run twelve times (see above. 4 times)
– Order Adam’s birthday gifts
– Personal budget made
– Ecuador tickets booked
– Hannah’s session

And now for OCTOBER!!!

– All 2013 client wedding albums
– Design and publish AAC prep site
– Make 2 AAC dresses
– AAC CHristmas Promo
– AAC Acts of kindness
– AAC welcome kit
– Simply Love boxes made
– PASS print promo
– +site
 – Megan + Jason
 – Nicole + Austin
 – Becca + Jarred
 – Lindsey + Brendan
 – Daniela + Nate
– Business credit card ordered
– Order new USB drives
– Order 2014 hard drives
– Order bank checks
– Order lights for CO studio
– Vistaprint
– Send promo video clips to Jakob (AHHH!!! I’ve been meaning to do this for A YEAR!)

– Go to the gym 7 times
– Run 7 times
– Hike 3 times
– Pick + carve pumpkins
– Make pumpkin french toast
– Take an Autumn walk with Adam
– Doctor appointment schedule (bleh.)
– Teeth cleaned
– OUR wedding album designed and printed!!!
– Personal budget made
– November Colorado tickets purchased
– Costa Rica details finalized
– December flight tickets purchased

So…what’s on YOUR list for October?

VIEW Comments +

  1. Rachel says:

    Love this! I NEED to do this as well! =)

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