Introducing: Diaries of a Tough Mudder



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Yeah, I said it. Tough Mudder. After weeks of debating with the voices in my head, I pulled the trigger and signed up to do the New England Tough Mudder on July 14 at Mt. Snow in Vermont. Frankly, I’m not sure what I was/am thinking. This…from the girl who can’t run more than 1.5 miles without wanting to pass out. I mean, clearly it shouldn’t be that difficult to work my way up to TEN miles in 8 weeks, right? Like I said, I’m not sure what I was thinking.

A few weeks ago I posted my bucket list. Since then, the items on that list have been haunting me. I decided to start training to run a 5k at the end of the summer because, well, why put off to tomorrow what could be done today? Only days after I decided to start training for the run, friends of mine and Adam’s came home from doing a Tough Mudder and exclaimed that we had to do the one in July. That we would love it. That we would be so good at it. That it would be one of the most incredibly challenging, gut wrenching, body bruising, fun things we would ever do. 85% of those who do Tough Mudder are men, and 20% of everyone who does it doesn’t finish. Did I mention that we had to sign a death waiver? Again, dear internet, what am I thinking?

But I am determined. Determined to no longer have the excuse that I’m “not a runner”. Determined to get rid of a little excess jiggle. Determined to really prove to myself that I can do something that requires an immense amount of discipline and endurance. Adam and I started training for it about 10 days ago, halting our P90X program, and I think it’s safe to say that I have a bit of work to do. I can’t do a single unassisted pullup, I can only run 1.5 miles, and I can do about 10 pushups. But with my favorite guy by my side, I’m going to take on Mt. Snow and a lot of mud in a few weeks. And this blog will keep you up to date on our progress….and whether or not we actually finish the Mudder.

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We are actually looking for a few other daring souls to take on Mt. Snow with us, so if you are as crazy and illogical adventurous as us an love a good challenge, then we would be thrilled to have you join us!! We signed up for the 10:40AM slot on July 14. It is 99% sold out so if you are thinking of joining, sign up ASAP! Or if you are a photographer who wants to come take pictures of Adam and I crawling through barbed wire, swinging from trellises, or trudging through mud…well, you’ll be my best friend.

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