Featured!!! Style Me Pretty + The Wedding Chicks



An international wedding photographer based in New York City serving Manhattan & European destinations.






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I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. I had slaved for hours over the stovetop, hand rolling 30 meatballs, frying sausages, and making a huge pot of sauce and now…..this? I was shocked and appalled. This man that I have come to love was so amazing in so many ways but….this? How could he do it? I was disgusted.

He stirred the pot as though he had done nothing wrong. Meanwhile, I sat in disbelief. I just couldn’t bring myself to accept that he was cooking angel hair and linguini in the same pot. ANGEL HAIR AND LINGUINI!

Do you have any idea how huge of a deal that is to an Italian? It’s like fish and peanut butter. Liver and salsa. Pork chops and chocolate sauce. They just don’t go together!

It is blasphemous to me and my race. A travesty, really. And to make it worse he calls them all “noodles.” NOODLES, I tell you!!! It’s like DOES HE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME AND WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO ME!?!

But the truth is, he does. He does know what is important to me. Because last week when I texted him and told him I would be featured by both Style Me Pretty and the Wedding Chicks, he responded with “That is great.” Now, you might be thinking “That is great? Is that all he could get out?” but for anyone who knows Adam, you know that even using the word “great” is a big deal. Because Adam speaks in neutral terms of “fine”, “sure”, “huh”, “alright” and “whatever.” Those are his favorites words, and it usually drives me crazy. So when he told me that it was great, I knew he was proud of me.

All stories aside, I am so tremendously honored and grateful to be featured on two of the leading wedding blogs this week. It is my first time being featured by either of them, but I certainly don’t hope it to be my last. Why don’t you head on over to Style Me pretty and the Wedding Chicks and leave them some blog love. ?

Oh, and if you are craving some spaghetti and meatballs, stop on by. There is plenty still to go around because that’s how we Italian rollllll……

VIEW Comments +

  1. Dani says:

    This is pretty amazing, Alicia!!! Good for you!!!!! You definitely deserve it.


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