Last Autumn I had the pleasure of having Sarah as my intern. As a newlywed, she gushed over the weddings we shot, and was glowing with that quintessential newlywed glow. We talked about her wedding day and how fantastic it was, we talked about things we each would’ve done differently for our weddings, and overall I hope that she was able to learn a few things while interning with me. As a small way to thank you for her internship, I wanted to do an anniversary session of she and Chris. It worked out perfectly that one of my best friends, Tiffany, lives up in Maine, close to Sarah and Chris. They made the drive to Cape Elizabeth on a perfectly cloudy May afternoon where the wind and the rock coast made the perfect setting for their anniversary session. Being a photographer herself, Sarah requested I shoot their session on film and I’m SO GLAD I did, because the texture and colors of film translated perfectly to this amazing setting! Happy Anniversary, you two! I hope you love each other forever as well and as much as you do now!
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