Changing perspectives



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He hung upside down from his little branch, nibbling away one nut at a time. When he finished, he would swing back up, grab another nut, and go back to hanging upside down until he finished. I have watched many squirrels nibble away on nuts throughout my lifetime, but in all my 26 years I have never seen one do it upside down…

….and it got me thinking.

This summer has been an interesting time in my life. A time of growing and being stretched. A time of some extreme emotions. A time of feeling disappointed and let down. A time where some of the uglier sides of my personality have shown their faces. And while I was able to justify everything, part of me deep down knew that I had had the ability to change my attitude by making a simple decision. I could either continue to whine and complain, get frustrated, and cry at the drop of a hat….or I could suck I up. I could suck it up and realize that the world doesn’t revolve around me (c’mon – I know I can’t possibly be the only one who thinks that sometimes). I could suck it up and start treating some of the people I care about the most a bit better. I could suck it up and be grateful that I have a job I love and am able to be flexible rather than complain about my business not being where I want it to be. And, I could suck it up and change my perspective.

I will never know why Mr. Squirrel, out of the thousands of squirrels I have seen, was hanging upside down eating his nut. But what I do know is that Mr. Squirrel helped me realize that sometimes I just need to change my perspective in life – to see the world in a different way.

And because of the lesson that Mr. Squirrel taught me, I have tried my best to change my perspective. Posted on my desk is a quick printout I made to help remind me every day…

“Be encouraging. Be patient. Be content.” Because those are the 3 areas that my perspective needs to be changed just a bit.

Thanks, Mr Squirrel. 🙂

So help me out here, am I the only one who maybe needs a change in perspective? What are some areas that maybe you can work on changing your perspective?

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  1. Lisa says:

    WOW…..that is really deep and so true..about everyone….I think you should post that everywhere…so people could see, that life is about being happy and appreciating what you do have…not what you don’t….I noticed that 95% of teens these days do nothing but whine and complain….waste of time, happiness, love and life….

    Funny, but i have been watching “Family Jewels” with Gene Simmons and his family……I want that, the togetherness, the love and the way they treat each other, with love and respect….

    You are a beautiful, talented person, and i think you will do very well for yourself…….and what a great attitude!!!!

    Good Luck!!

  2. Wow Alicia! What powerful words with such truth and defiance. I have to say that my perspective on life changed a bit when I got married. It wasn’t all just about me anymore (even though like you said I still may think that at times!) it was about “us”. I have learned that maybe sometimes like that squirrel I need to look at life UPSIDE DOWN as well because it isn’t always right side up. I know like others that I still have some things to work on within, however I do know that with perserverance anything is possible. However, I still think that I have a lot to learn about myself, I do know one thing when I look through that lense I feel a sense of tranquility because I know it’s what I am meant to be doing. Thank-you for inspiring me, you truly are an amazing person and I am blessed to have met you!

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