Apple picking at Lyman’s orchard



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So there is this time of year. This time I year that I adore. This time of year that makes me fall in love….even if with nobody or nothing. I just fall in love. Luckily this year I have someone to fall in love with. But there is just something about this time of year that makes me all goo-goo and ga-ga, and I am pretty sure at least one of you out there can relate. This time of year that I speak about is Autumn. Oh, Autumn! Autumn in all of its cool and crisp glory. Autumn with its colors. Autumn with its non-humid breeze. Autumn with its scrumptious smells. Autumn.

Adam has teased me on numerous occasions because I talk often about how much I love Connecticut and when he [in total bewilderment] asks me why, I always have the same answer. “You just can’t beat Autumn in New England” to which he promptly responds “So you like this state for the 3.5 weeks a year of nice weather and dead leaves falling to the ground?” Why yes, yes I do.

So on a lovely Autumn day I took the kiddies out to go Apple picking – a true New England thing to do – at Lyman orchards. I was reminded of when I was a kid and we would go pick our apples, sit on the porch at Bishop’s Orchard and drink apple cider. Brandon kept picking up apples from the ground taking one bite and throwing the rest of the apple. After about 5 times of catching him doing that and telling him “No”, I gave up. The older two had fun climbing the trees to get the good apples. And me, well I just let myself breathe in the crisp air as I looked at the trees barely starting to change color and I silently thanked God for allowing me to come back to my home state and enjoy Autumn…even if it only lasts 3.5 weeks. 🙂

So here is the question: Are they really that cute, or is my family just biased?

Why, yes, that would be me climbing up in that tree.

So we have been working with Bruce on smiling properly for the camera. Let’s just say we are still working on it.

Pueblo (as I call him) offered to take the kids for a ride on the “apple truck” (garbage truck?). Despite the fact that they look delighted (note the sarcasm), they actually were exactly that. They thought they were the coolest kids on the block after Pueblo took them for a ride. And Bionca tried speaking Spanish to him…even though she very clearly has no Spanish capabilities. #fail

Apple cider and apple doughnuts…yummy!!

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