3 things I love this Tuesday morning



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#1 – The fact that my Christmas tree is still up. I have gone back and forth as to whether I should take it down but, really, everything is just happier in my apartment with it up.

#2 – Waking up to the sight of snow falling. I love snow. The end. I know a bunch of people are ready for summer but, c’mon people, it’s New England! It’s going to snow. I thought the snow was coming tonight so I was pleasantly surprised to wake up to the beauty that is snowflakes collecting on my windowsill. I may or may not get anything done today because I will spend a large portion of my day watching the snow fall.

#3 – This perfect cup of Mint medley tea will keep me warm when it is chilly outside. And it makes a perfect companion to watching the snow fall. Not to mention that the mug itself is commanding me to sit long [and watch the snow….]

So what about YOU? What do you love about today? Maybe you are in Florida and loving that you can spend the day at the beach, or maybe you are here in New England and happy (or not!) that your children are home from school! Talk to me – what do YOU love about today??

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  1. Jim says:

    I love that you remind us to stop, look around us and drink in life during the week. Cool post Alicia!

  2. tina lee says:

    today i love getting my workout done at 4:30am, staring at my gym boyfriend to motivate me through my run, napping at 8am, sitting outside in this beautiful cali sunshine sipping my nonfat cappuccino in january (at a shop that i’m sure you would love), and putting the top down on my convertible. cheers to loving today (i guess i’m a day late…my internet has been spotty and i’m behind on reading blogs!) 😉

  3. Mary Marantz says:

    LOVE that mug!! Such a wise little dish! 🙂

  4. secret: my christmas tree is still up too. 😉 and today I love…snow shovels and iced coffee. both were quite necessary to start my day!

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