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Questions for Alicia

  • Q: What drives you? A: Threefold and simple- a passion for God, a passion for people, and a passion for life!
  • Q: What is a guilty pleasure of yours? A: Chocolate covered strawberries!! Also, driving fast
  • Q: What is the greatest advice anyone has ever given you? A: “If at first you don’t succeed, try…try….try again.”- my dad. And likewise, “never, never , never give up.”- Reggie Dabbs
  • Q: What is your greatest accomplishment in life so far? A: Not being admitted into a mental institution. I am a craaaaazy one…
  • Q: Who is your hero? A: My parents, and my grandma
  • Q: What do you like to do for fun? A: It depends on where I am living. In general, though, I am always up for a good adventure. I also love to shop, I love to travel, I love to cook, I love having people over for dinner. I also love playing board games…I love doing alot of things
  • Q: What is something that you can’t stand? A: Sleeping with my feet covered and overcooked pasta
  • Q: What is the craziest thing you have ever done? A: Oh Gosh, how could I possibly only chose one? When I was 11 years old I got a ladder out of out shed, climbed onto the roof of my house and went sledding off of it. It was two stories high. More dangerous than the adventure was the wrath of my mother that followed my little adventure. Beside that, I have done a lot of crazy things- skydiving, cliff jumping…anything that gives me a good adrenaline rush
  • Q: What would people be surprised to find out that you have on your iPod? A: If you know me, in general, nothing would surprise you. But to the general public, I would say…all things Disney. I love Disney music.
  • Q: What is your favorite thing to bake? A: Oreo cheesecake! And my boyfriend loves the fact that it is my favorite thing to bake!

Things Alicia dreams about:

  • Being an influential leader. Goal time frame: Now and forever.
  • Pioneering and running a global relief organization that is supported and funded by politicians, celebrities, and world leaders. Goal time frame- 2020
  • Hitchhike through Europe for 4 weeks. Goal time frame: 2012
  • Being an incredible wife and mom. Goal time frame: Who knows?

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